Friday, May 10, 2013

Our first week of May Project 10 Winners on the Body By Vi Challenge

It's officially May and the Body By Vi Challenge has just selected it's first weekly winners for Project 10 this month.  These 10 people have all just been awarded $1000 each for losing 10lbs of body fat or for building 10lbs of lean muscle.

The Body By Vi Challenge is awarding people each week in 2013 for losing 10lbs of body fat or gaining 10lbs of lean muscle, something that people know they want to do anyways now they are being rewarded for their efforts!  Such a great cause to be a part of given the fact that over 231 000 000 people in the United States alone are overweight or obese.

With such a large portion of the North American society over weight or obese and with over 15,000,000 people in the UK obese this is such a massive problem that clearly needs our attention and solution.

The Body By Vi Challenge is the number 1 fat loss and fitness challenge in the world today and has spread like wild fire because of it being such a simple solution to help people lose weight and get in better shape.

We are helping so many people improve their health and it is so rewarding and gratifying to be a part of something with such a great cause.

You need to take a minute and watch this video now and learn about what the Body By Vi Challenge can do for you today.

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Lisa Brown with an incredible health transformation on the Body By Vi Challenge

Lisa Brown has been using the body by vi challenge to improve her health and lose weight.  She has done an excellent job and has become a glowing example of what can happen when you set a goal and focus on it with daily action.

The Body By Vi Challenge has given Lisa the nutrition she needs to lose body fat and feel great!  The Body By Vi Challenge is helping over 150,000 new people each and every month get started on their own health journey and improve their health.

People need a simple plan to go after their goals since our lives are so fast paced and busy these days and the Body By Vi Challenge is such a simple way to get a person to make a small change in their daily habits that will help them begin to lose body fat and increase their energy.

3 times every year the Body By Vi Challenge awards people with the best transformations in a variety of difference categories with the ultimate transformation vacation, $25,000 branding package, a full day at the spa, and a $5000 shopping spree to buy a new wardrobe.  These are great incentives for people to do something they know they need to be doing anyways.

The Body By Vi Challenge is now the number 1 fat loss and fitness challenge in the world and is waging a war against obesity and we need your help so we can win.

We need people taking better care of their health and being more aware of what they do each day to get and stay health.

To learn more about the Body By Vi Challenge and get started on your challenge visit today.

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lessons for life from Robin Sharma and JK Rowling

So I wanted to share a great story with you...

All she ever wanted to do was write. But few believed in her.

She ended up as a single mom. Collecting social benefits checks--just to get food onto the table. For her and her child.

On a trip from Manchester to London in 1990, her train was delayed. And an idea burst into her imagination. About a boy who didn't know what he was.

She called this kid Harry Potter. And she wrote about his adventures.

12 publishers rejected the book. A small house called Bloomsbury Press eventually agreed to publish it. But even then, the author was told "you'll never make any money on children's books."

Yet, the book caught fire. Touched the hearts of millions. Inspired a new generation to read.

Of course, the woman is JK Rowling.

And she's sold 400,000,000 books. And built a fortune of $800,000,000.

From an idea. About a young wizard. With a brave heart.

Her secret "weapon"?...


"For some to love you, some must loathe you," she brilliantly observed.

And she's right. All visionaries are initially ridiculed before they are revered.

All enormously successful people first meet with rejection, resistance and yes, sometimes outright hatred. Criticism truly is the price of greatness. And you really need to be so invested in your dream + abilities + passion that ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will knock you off your game.

So be strong. Go for world-class. And when you get knocked down, dust yourself off, and stay true to your loftiest visions. In the end, you'll be grateful you did.

- Robin Sharma

Lesson here. Listen to you, your heart, your mind, your purpose, your dreams and not those of the critics.

Make your life a daring adventure full of accomplishment and excitement.

Start today and learn about the Body By Vi Challenge it can change your life.

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt

Monday, May 6, 2013

Get outside and move this summer with the Body By Vi Challenge

With summer approaching fast it is time that we take ourselves outside and enjoy some sun and experience the great benefits of the suns rays.  The Body By Vi Challenge is encouraging you to get started on your new health goals now just in time to get to the cottage, beach, or just playing in the sun.

The Body By Vi Challenge is here to help you stay on track with your health and fitness goals all the while providing you a great platform to see your success through.

So many people get started every month on their personal 90 day Body By Vi Challenge and their experiences are so rewarding and gratifying since they are achieve goals they have wanted to achieve for so long.

Today would be an awesome day for you to get a new goal set for yourself and make your health your number 1 priority over the next 90 days and do a Body By Vi Challenge.  You can learn more about the Body By Vi Challenge here

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt