Friday, October 18, 2013

Vote for the Next Vi-Model! Are You The Next Vi-Model?

The 2014 Visalus Vi-Model competition is under way and it is HOT.  The Vi-model competition is a model search that takes place once a year to choose who will be the cover models on The Challenge Magazine representing Visalus and the Body By Vi Challenge, the #1 fat loss and fitness challenge in the world.


Last year, there were hundreds of entries, hundreds of thousands of votes and 2 people were choosen to grace the cover of the coveted Challenge Magazine which hit store shelves all across North America in January of 2013.  

Mia St-Aubin and Alfonso Jones were selected as the winners out of the hundreds of people that entered.  Mia and Alfonso both say their life has been totally changed for the best by winning.  They both eat, sleep and breath the Challenge and have done incredible things representing the Body By Vi Challenge.  

This year as Visalus has expanded into a number of new markets there are going to be 4 different Challenge magazine's released and a total of 8 people, 4 men and 4 women to be featured on those 4 different mag's.  

The markets for the Challenge magazine this year are North America, UK, Spanish and French Canadian.  

So far, only a few days into the competition there have been thousands of entries and already hundreds of thousands of unique votes tabulated.  Head over to and vote for your favorites now.

Leader boards for all 4 markets are so tight and it's about to get a whole lot more serious as we enter the final few days of voting before it is turned over to a judges panel to choose from the top leader board and pick the 3 finalist from each of the 4 markets how will then compete on stage in-front of about 15,000 people in Atlanta this Nov and the final panel of judges will select our winners of the 2014 Visalus Vi-Model competition.  

Remember to head over to and vote today!

I know for sure that who ever gets selected will have their life dramatically changed for the better and they will be able to make an incredible impact on the world in the fight against obesity.

Visalus is the creator of the Body By VI Challenge, the number 1 health and fitness challenge in the world.  The Body By Vi Challenge has been taking the world by storm and helping millions of people lose millions of pounds of body fat and build millions of pound of lean muscle.  

The Body By Vi Challenge is perfect for anybody and any body.  With 5 unique challenge kits designed to match specific 90 day challenge goals that people would set for themselves.  

Today is the best day for you to get some information and education on what the Body By Vi Challenge can do for you.  Spend a few minutes to get yourself educated now.  Visit today. 

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Jackie Harnum has got great results on the Body By Vi Challenge.

The Body By Vi Challenge and Project 10 have helped Jackie Harnum reach her health goals and also win $1000 for losing 10lbs of Body Fat.

Jackie has some excellent advice for everyone out there who is looking to get in better shape and lose body fat.  

First, get started on your Body By Vi Challenge and set your goal.  

Second, realize that this is the best gift you can give yourself, taking care of your health is of the utmost importance and must be taken very seriously.  

Finally, Increase your protein intake so you feel fuller longer and avoid binge snacking.  

The Body By Vi Challenge has become the number 1 weight loss and fitness challenge in the world and has literally helped take millions of pound of fat off the world.  The Vi Shape shake and Vi Crunch Super protein cereal are the centre of our meal replacement program.  These 2 product provide people with thousands of Body By Vi recipes that can be used to add power to their fat loss and fitness goals.  

The Body by Vi Challenge can help you change your life and your health forever with a simple, easy to follow and easy to use plan.  Get yourself started today and make your health a priority now. 

Did I mention the Body By Vi Challenge comes with a 90 day results guarantee?  It does.  Use the program for 90 days and follow it properly and if you don't get the results you want then you can get a full refund.  You clearly have nothing to lose but fat.  Start your personal Body By Vi Challenge today!

With the Body By Vi Challenge remember that you can win $1000 for losing 10lbs.  Each and every week there are 5 men and 5 women randomly selected from all of the people who have lost 10lbs and each winner receives $1000.  What a great way to lose body fat, win some money and improve your health!  Start today on the Body By Vi Challenge.

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Alejandro Feria has lost over 50lbs on the Body By Vi Challenge

  • Alejandro Feria has lost over 50lbs on the Body By Vi Challenge.  Here is his personal story about his success and journey on the Body By Vi Challenge
    I started this whole journey a little over a year ago in mid July 2012. At the time I had just turned 26 years old. I weighed ~250lbs, I was obese, I had frequent neck and back pain, I was asthmatic, pre-hypertensive, and my mood was terrible.
    I was in a rut. Life was just kinda of bland.

    Then I made a choice.

    One July morning I decided that today would be day 1 of my new life, and on day 1 I was going to go for a jog. I threw on some old sneakers, an old pair of gym shorts, and a t-shirt and out the door I went.
    I didn't make it very far.
    I only made it a few laps around the block of my Pacific Beach home and made it no more than .75 miles, and that's including some walking breaks. I was exhausted. I remember my asthma flaring up and wheezing as I rounded the 3rd turn of the 3rd lap. I also remember thinking, "Wow, how did it get to here?".

    It could have been worse, but there was one thing that made everything at that moment ok.
    It felt good. Running, it felt good. Yeah, it was hard, and yeah it kinda sucked sometimes, but it still felt good. I held on to that feeling and made another choice to get out the door and do it again for 90 days.

    So for 90 days I woke up and before my mind had any idea what was going on I willed myself out the door for my daily jog. I found on those short jogs I was able to clear my mind of whatever was making me anxious or upset about and as corny as it sounds, part of me found a little ocean of tranquility.

    After my first 90 days, combined with good nutrition and a promise to myself to stick it out to the end, I lost 28 lbs and on day 90 I even made the decision to run 3.1 miles (my first ever 5k) as a sort of victory lap around my neighborhood. No one was there to cheer for me but it wouldn't have made any difference. That run was glorious. The feeling of accomplishment and the knowledge that I had begun to change my life fed my soul with feelings of abundance.

    I have had many more victories since then. 

    It has now been one year and I have gone on to lose 50 lbs, have excellent blood pressure and cholesterol, my asthma has almost entirely disappeared, my resting heart rate is in the high 40's, I have run 2 marathon distances, finished a 1.5 mile ocean swim race, and I am now training for my first 50 mile ultra-marathon coming up in January. My mood is great, my relationships are better, richer, and more fulfilling and my perspective on life is one of improvement, positivity, and belief. Life is good.

    All because one morning, I made a choice.

    The Body By Vi Challenge is all about making a choice, a choice to say you've had enough and want to make a change.  You are now ready to set a goal and not look back, taking daily action on that goal to achieve what you want and deserve.  

    Today is that day for you!  Make the choice!  Get started on your own Body By Vi Challenge just like Alejandro Feria did.  You'll health with thank you! click here

    Remember the Body By Vi Challenge has a 90 day money back guarantee so you have absolutely no risk and nothing to lose buy weight!

    Life Health Prosperity

    Matthew Britt

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Carly Hahn down 112lbs of Body Fat on the Body By Vi Challenge

Carly Hahn is down over 112lbs of body fat after 4 Body By Vi challenges.  Seeing her remarkable results on the Body By Vi Challenge is again proof that when you set a goal and focus on that goal by taking daily action you can achieve incredible success. 

For Carly to achieve her goal of losing Body Fat she used the Transformation Kit, the Challenge kit most recommended by Body by Vi Challenge Champions.  In conjunction with good nutrition and healthy meal choices Carly also used the Visalus Vi-Shape nutritional shake, now the world's number 1 selling Shake.  This simple to use and delicious tasting shake gives everyone the extra nutrition they need to help them begin to heal themselves from the inside out and lose unhealthy body fat. 

The Body By Vi Challenge and the Vi-Shape Shake are two great things to add into your life if you're wanting to get health and lose body fat. 

It is also very important that exercise is included in your day to day living and will help you dramatically increase your health and fat loss.  The Body by Vi Challenge is the number 1 health and fitness challenge in the world and comes complete with a 90 Day guarantee.  Follow the program and achieve you goal or you get your money back.  Start with your Body By Vi Challenge today and get on the road to achieve your Body Fat weight loss goals today!

Today would be the best time to start!  Welcome to the Body By Vi Challenge

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dave Bernard with fantastic results on his Body By Vi Challenge

This is yet again another great example of someone who's made incredible lifestyle changes with the Vi-Shape Shake and the Body By Vi Challenge and has totally transformed his life.

Dave Bernard has done a wonderful job of achieving his Body By Vi Challenge goals.  Dave set some goals for himself and took the Challenge and began using the Vi-Shape Shake.

Starting with that goal of losing weight Dave began making small daily habits of health and wellness a priority.  He took action everyday on his goals, exercised, used his Vi-Shape Shake and always kept his goals on the front of his mind.

Using the Body By Vi Challenge  and Vi Shape Shake, Dave starting eating better, exercising, sleeping better, and hydrating himself with more water and was able to lose a lot of body fat and get himself healthier.

The Body By Vi Challenge is the number 1 choice for people today who are looking to make a long lasting lifestyle transformation and lose body fat.  Dave is a shining example of what is possible when you decide that you've had enough and are ready for change.

The Vi-Shape Shake is the number 1 selling brand of Shake in the world and is clearly a premier choice for people looking to make health transformations.

If you've been thinking about getting healthier and have finally had enough then look no further, the Body By Vi Challenge and Vi-Shape shake is ready to help you.

The Body By Vi Challenge is now the number 1 weight loss and fitness platform in the world and has helped millions of people lose millions of pounds of unwanted body fat over the past 3.5 years.

Today is the best day for you to change the rest of your life.  watch the short video on this website and get yourself started today on being your best with the Body By Vi Challenge.

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My friend Pat Ryan goes from 40% body fat to 13.8% on the Body By Vi Challenge

The Body By Vi Challenge is doing such incredible things for people who decide that they are going to make it happen.  My friend Pat Ryan has a great story and an even better transformation.

This man has been on the Body By Vi Challenge since August of 2011 and has been dedicated to improving his health and getting back in shape.

He has done just that by eating well, drinking 2 Vi-shakes a day, exercising and being active and staying focused on his Body By Vi Challenge goals 1 day at a time.

See the Body By Vi Challenge is not a diet, not a magic pill, not even a magic shake (although the shakes do deliver great nutrition).  The Body By Vi Challenge is a LIFESTYLE!  It is a lifestyle transformation program.  It is the path of least resistance for people who lead busy lives and follow poor nutrition habits.

With the Obesity epidemic growing so much each year and so many people suffering for this terrible health challenge that can be prevented and even totally reversed it is no wonder the Body By Vi Challenge has become such a strong force in the wellness, health, fat loss and fitness industry.

The Body By Vi Challenge is literally taking weight off the world by helping people set believable and achievable 90 day goals and then be held accountable by a totally supportive group of people who are cheering them on each step of the way.  The Body By Vi Challenge has become the world's number 1 weight loss and fitness challenge and is sweeping the world by storm.

Every day story after story after story comes flooding in from people experiencing real results by being a part of the Body By Vi Challenge.

Take some time today and get yourself educated about what the Body By Vi Challenge can do for you.  Visit to learn more and get started today!

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Jon Holzschuh is a winner on the Body By Vi Challenge

We keep getting so many successful stories from people using the Body By Vi Challenges to transform their health.  Jon Holzschuh is one of the Body By Vi Challenge's most recent Project 10 winners.

Jon has lost over 10lbs on the Body By Vi Challenge and since he did that he entered Project 10 and was chosen as one of the weekly winners in the random draw.  For losing that 10lbs of body fat Jon has won an "I Lost It" T-shirt and $1000.

He was literally paid for doing something great for his health.  What an awesome program the Body By Vi Challenge is and it is so incredible how many people experience tremendous results from being on the Body By Vi Challenge.

Be using the Body By Vi Challenge to set himself some goals and by sticking with the program he was able to transform his health and win $1000.

He has a great tip for success on the Body By Vi Challenge and that is to ensure that you are getting high protein snacks in between meals so you keep your metabolism moving at a high rate.

If you'd like to learn more about how the Body By Vi Challenge has become the number 1 weight loss and fitness challenge in the world today and how it can help you achieve your weight loss and or fitness goals than visit today.

We'll see you on the Body By Vi Challenge and hopefully as a winner!

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt