Tuesday, June 11, 2013

My friend Pat Ryan goes from 40% body fat to 13.8% on the Body By Vi Challenge

The Body By Vi Challenge is doing such incredible things for people who decide that they are going to make it happen.  My friend Pat Ryan has a great story and an even better transformation.

This man has been on the Body By Vi Challenge since August of 2011 and has been dedicated to improving his health and getting back in shape.

He has done just that by eating well, drinking 2 Vi-shakes a day, exercising and being active and staying focused on his Body By Vi Challenge goals 1 day at a time.

See the Body By Vi Challenge is not a diet, not a magic pill, not even a magic shake (although the shakes do deliver great nutrition).  The Body By Vi Challenge is a LIFESTYLE!  It is a lifestyle transformation program.  It is the path of least resistance for people who lead busy lives and follow poor nutrition habits.

With the Obesity epidemic growing so much each year and so many people suffering for this terrible health challenge that can be prevented and even totally reversed it is no wonder the Body By Vi Challenge has become such a strong force in the wellness, health, fat loss and fitness industry.

The Body By Vi Challenge is literally taking weight off the world by helping people set believable and achievable 90 day goals and then be held accountable by a totally supportive group of people who are cheering them on each step of the way.  The Body By Vi Challenge has become the world's number 1 weight loss and fitness challenge and is sweeping the world by storm.

Every day story after story after story comes flooding in from people experiencing real results by being a part of the Body By Vi Challenge.

Take some time today and get yourself educated about what the Body By Vi Challenge can do for you.  Visit www.yourbodybyviguy.com to learn more and get started today!

Life Health Prosperity

Matthew Britt

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