Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stick with the Body By Vi Challenge and win Project 10

Melissa Spokus Duvane is one of our newest winners on the Body By Vi Challenge and project 10.

She won $1000 on Project 10 and the Body by Vi Challenge by losing over 10lbs!  Body By Vi is giving away $10,000 each and every week to 10 people who losing 10lbs.

Project 10 is literally paying people to lose weight and get healthy.  What a great time for you to start on your health improvement journey with the Body By Vi Challenge and Project 10.

Melissa's tips for success on the Body By Vi Challenge is "Do not give up! and Stick with it!"

That's a great tip, if you quit, you'll never achieve your goals with anything.  The Body By Vi Challenge is different in that it is so simple, saves you money and it works.

So do what Melissa did, get started on your Body By Vi Challenge today and go after your health goals.

Once you start you'll realize just how simple it is to lose that first 10lbs and then you can enter Project 10 by the Body By Vi Challenge.

Get started right now on the Body By Vi Challenge like you have been thinking about at

Have a Billionaire day!

Matthew Britt

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