Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Why lifestyle change is more important than quick fix for long lasting health.

So many people have  a mentality of the instant fix or instant gratification.  They expect results now!  They get started on a new diet and expect that in 1 week their health will be back on track after years and years of neglect.  They go to the gym a couple of times and wonder why they aren't the muscled up specimens seen in the magazines.

Changing your life is not a quick fix solution but takes time, dedication, changing habits and doing the necessary things repeatedly day in and day out to produce long lasting lifestyle change.  Being healthy is a lifestyle.  The choices you make everyday impact your health daily.

Being stressed out, poor quality sleeping habits, lack of exercise, fast food, junk food, sugary drinks, alcohol, smoking, drugs, lack of water, negative thoughts, unhappiness etc all contribute to poor health and so many people today subscribe to the majority of that list daily and some are practicing all of them every single day.

I suggest change comes one simple thing at a time.  Change one habit then work on another, then another, then another and eventually over time you'll have changed and created so many new habits that you'll be running on the healthy track before you even know it.

Coming from the gym industry, I noticed one trend year in and year out, every january it is packed with all the people who want this year to be the year they change their health and body only to realize in a few weeks how uncomfortable and how tough the gym is when you don't know what you're doing that they quit!   "The gym is a scary place" is a common theme amongst first time gym goers.  You see the same people in the gym year after year after year, it isn't that the others don't want to be healthier (cause most for sure do) but that place is such a difficult place to start that they often quit well before any real benefit can be noticed.

You walk into the gym with your gym bag packed full of your new gym shoes and your new gym attire; tight work out clothes, Into a room FULL of mirrors (which you don't love staring into at home never mind in a room full of other people who you think are judging you and criticizing you and making fun of you) then you proceed to go attempt to workout quickly realizing you don't know what you're doing, so you decide to spend your time on the cardio machines, which are a safe bet, only to find out that gets boring, then you quit and try again next year.  Sound familiar?

What I suggest is so much simpler.  Remember we do things based on how we feel.  If a person feels better, feels healthier, have more energy etc do they want to keep feeling better or go back to feeling worse?  Of course they want to keep feeling better.  So what needs to happen and happen fast when a person is going to change their health is that we need to get them feeling better FAST and in a simple simple fashion.

The best thing that I have found is for us to start health improvements with a person's fuel.  What they eat or drink when they start their day.  The best solution I have found is to get a person putting great fuel in their mouth as soon as they wake up for breakfast each day.  Starting the day with a great breakfast and getting better energy through out the day because of the healthy fuel your putting into your body will help you begin to lose weight, increase energy, kick start metabolism all which will help you feel better.  As you begin to feel better after a few days you'll want to do another thing to help you feel better.  So week one may just start with a healthy quick and simple breakfast (I recommend a SHAKE)  A shake can be simple, made quickly, very nutritious, tastes great, made fast and easily consumed and it will help you get great nutrients into your system fast since it is in liquid form.

Once a person begins to feel better they will start to make more and more small incremental changes such as introducing an apple a day.

Week 1 - Shake a day
Week 2 - Shake a day plus an apple
Week 3 - Shake a day, apple, salad
Week 4 - Shake a day, apple, salad, 10 minute walk
Week 5 - Shake a day, apple, salad, 10 minute walk, 2L of water
Week 6 - Shake a day, apple, salad, 10 minute walk, 2L of water, Chicken breast and roasted vegetables
Week 7 - Shake a day, apple, salad, 20 minute walk, 3 L of water, Chicken breast and roasted vegetables, spin class at the gym
Etc Etc etc.

To learn more about an extremely simple solution that can help you feel your best one simple shake at a time then can compound into more great health habits then click here to learn more.


Have a billionaire day!

Matthew Britt

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