Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Body By Vi Challenge is coming to the UK

The Body By Vi Challenge, the number 1 weight loss and fitness challenge in the world and the fast growing home based business in North America is expanding.

The Body By Vi Challenge has conquered North America and is now the program of choice for people to lose weight and get fit in North America.

Since the Body By Vi Challenge launched in July of 2009 it has helped millions of people lose millions of pounds and get fit.

Now the Body By Vi Challenge is expanding to the UK. It is time to help the UK get fit and lose weight and it is time for you to join us.

You can help the UK experience the incredible lifestyle transformations like so many people in North America have enjoyed.

Get started today on the Body By Vi Challenge and help us take weight off the UK.

The United Kingdom is the 3rd most obese countries in the world and we need you to help us.

Join us on our mission of taking weight off the world and fighting obesity.

Obesity is the leading cause of preventable diseases in the world and The Body By Vi Challenge is doing something about it.

Today is the day you get started on the Body By Vi Challenge. Go to www.yourbodybyviguy.com and get started now.

Have a Billionaire day!

Matthew Britt

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