Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Another $10,000 was given away to this weeks new Project 10 winners

A new week and new winners announced on the Body By Vi Challenge and project 10!

That is 10 new people who have each won $1000 for losing 10lbs of Body Fat or gaining 10lbs of Lean Muscle.  Not only did they each win the $1000 but also Visalus will donate 30 meals to an at risk child or obese child start to make healthy choices and get better nutrition.

Give me a big congratulations to Body By Vi Challenge participants Carol, Cathy, Chantal, Olivia, Rafaela, Brandon, Charlie, Corey, Deland and Jim who have all just won $1000 as well as got their "I Lost It" or "I Built It" T-Shirts for getting it done!

The Body By Vi Challenge is giving away $10,000 each and every week through out all of 2013 to 10 people who either lose 10lbs of Body Fat or gain 10lbs of Lean muscle.

Project 10 and Body by Vi are helping take weight off the world and are fighting the obesity epidemic with a simple solution that gets results.

With the Body By Vi Challenge you can improve your health, lose weight, get fit and challenge yourself to be a new healthier you in 90 days.

The Body by Vi Challenge is the number 1 weight loss and fitness challenge in North America and is literally helping millions of people lose millions of pounds all the while giving to kids in need.  The Body By Vi Challenge has already donated over 2 million meals to kids in need?

Today would be a great day for you to get more education on the Body By Vi Challenge and learn how you can transform your health and maybe even win $1000 for losing 10lbs of Body Fat or gaining 10lbs of Lean Muscle.

Visit today and get yourself started on the Body By Vi Challenge.

Have a Billionaire day!

Matthew Britt

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