Monday, April 1, 2013

The Body By Vi Challenge has given David Franco $1000 for losing 10lbs

Fellow Body By Vi Challenge participant David Franco has just been announced as a new Project 10 weekly winner!  David has won $1000 for doing something he knew he should be doing anyways.

Taking care of your health really does pay in more ways than one with the Body By Vi Challenge and project 10

David's tip for success on the Body By Vi Challenge is real simple "Stay committed and use the products as directed, it will change your life!"

Great advice David!  Stay committed to your goals with the Body by Vi Challenge is extremely important!  If you're not committed you'll let any temptation get the better of your and you're going to fall of you Body By Vi Challenge and you may even stop using your Body By Vi Challenge kit and products which will slow you down on achieving your goals.

Today would be an excellent day for you to get started on your own body by vi challenge and take your health to the next level.

Maybe you're looking to lose a few lbs of extra body fat or maybe you have a bigger goal of losing 50-100 lbs of body fat.  Or maybe you are even looking to build some muscle, well you can do that too!

And remember with the Body by Vi Challenge you can even win $1000 for losing 10lbs of body fat or by building 10lbs of lean muscle with Project 10.

So get started today on the Body By Vi Challenge and let's get you in the best shape of your life!

Click here and start your new Body By Vi Challenge today!

Have a Billionaire day!

Matthew Britt

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