Tuesday, March 12, 2013

New Project 10 winners March 11, 2013


10 New people just won $1000 each for losing 10lbs on Project 10 and the Body by Vi Challenge.

Each and every week in 2013 the Body By Vi Challenge is giving away a total of $10,000 to 10 people who lose 10lbs, that is $1000 to 5 women and 5 men who have lost over 10lbs on the Body By Vi Challenge.  

People are being paid to lose weight!

With so many people over weight and obese through out north american and the need for healthy weight loss Body by Vi decided they were going to do something about it and do it in a big way.

It's time that you got started on that weight loss goal you've been thinking about for so long, today is the day that you decide to change your health future and take action.

Join us today on Project 10 and the Body by Vi Challenge, you could be one of our next $1000 dollar winners for losing just 10lbs.

Congratulations again to this weeks Project 10 winners!  I hope to see you as one real soon!

Have a Billionaire Day!

Matthew Britt

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