Thursday, March 14, 2013

Reach out for Support to win Project 10 like Laura Gabriel

Huge congratulations goes out to Laura Gabriel for winning on Project 10 with the Body By Vi Challenge.

Laura Gabriel has just won $1000 for losing her first 10lbs...yes you read that right she got paid for improving her health!

Laura's big tip for success is "Stick with the program and reach out for support.  Everyone is willing to Help".

That is a great tip to help you win with any weight loss or fitness goals, use the support of people around you, your family, friends and loved ones will all cheer you on and help you stay accountable to your goals.

This is a big reason why the Body By Vi Challenge is such a powerful platform for success, the community is so supportive and so big that literally you can find anyone with the same goals as you and you can work together with them so you both increase your odds of success.

Also by telling some friends and family members about the challenge they can get started and do the Body By Vi Challenge with you so you all win by losing weight and improving your health.

Check out this site and learn about how the Body By Vi Challenge can help you and maybe you'll be one of our next Project 10 winners and be rewarded with a $1000 for losing 10lbs.

Have a Billionaire day!

Matthew Britt

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